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united nations 聯合國〔略 UN〕。

united nations organization

United nations institute for training and research , unitr 聯合國調查訓練研究所

Sweden ( landscapes ) - united nations postal admin 瑞典郵政(世界遺產-風景建筑)

United nations convention on the carriage of goods by sea 聯合國海上貨物運輸公約

Food and agriculture organization of the united nations 聯合國糧食及農業組織fao

Food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao 聯合國糧食及農業組織

What is the united nations doing to fight aids 聯合國在做哪些工作來防治艾滋病

There shall be no more united nations 天使告訴我聯合國將會因中東的危機而解體。

United nations research institute for social development 聯合國社會發展研究機構

Recommendations of other united nations bodies do not have the mandatory force of security council decisions, but may influence situations through their moral weight as the expression of world opinion . 聯合國其他機構的建議不具有安全理事會的決定的強制性效力,但是可以作為世界輿論的反映,以其道義上的影響對局勢發揮作用。

In addition to the question of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, attention is being given by the united nations to such other human rights questions . 除了關于酷刑和其它殘忍的、非人道的或侮辱人格的待遇問題外,聯合國也注意其他人權問題。

The disaster relief coordinator works in collaboration with all other appropriate united nations bodies, with the league of red cross societies and other voluntary agencies . 救災協調專員與所有其他適當的聯合國機構、紅十字會協會和其他志愿機構協同工作。

The name “united nation“ was devised by president franklin d.roosevelt and was first used in the declaration by united nations of january l, 1942 . “聯合國”這一名稱是富蘭克林D羅斯福總統設想出來并在一九四二年一月一日的聯合國宣言中第一次使用。

In less than 48 hours, united nations troops, supplied largely by neutral powers including asian and african states, began to arrive in congo . 在不到四十八小時之內,一支大部分由包括亞洲和非洲國家在內的中立國家提供的聯合國部隊就開始抵達剛果。

The preamble to the united nations charter expresses the ideals and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the united nations . 聯合國憲章的序言表達了其政府共同建立聯合國的各國人民的理想和共同目標。

On 12 july, the congolese government asked for united nations military assistance to protect the national territory of the congo against external aggression . 七月十二日,剛果政府請求聯合國給予軍事援助,保護剛果國土不受外來侵略。

Established in march 1965, the united nations institute for training and research is an autonomous body within the framework of the united nations . 聯合國訓練研究所設立于一九六五年三月,是聯合國內的一個獨立機構。

The vast riches of the seas and the sea-beds of the world are now the subject of active concern to the united nations and its member states . 全世界海洋和海床蘊藏的極大的富源是聯合國及其會員國目前積極關注的問題。

One of the purposes of united nations is to achieve international co-operation without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion . 聯合國的宗旨之一是實現國際合作,不分種族、性別、語言或宗教。

Space research activities are being aided through two sounding rocket lauching stations sponsored by the united nations . 對于空間研究活動的援助是通過聯合國支助的兩個探空火箭發射站進行的。